Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6379, aired 2012-05-17THE DAILY RUNDOWN $200: This TV sports spectacle premiered Monday, Sept. 21, 1970; are you ready? Monday Night Football
#6379, aired 2012-05-17THE DAILY RUNDOWN $400: In the '90s she took wing with the album "Tuesday Night Music Club" & the hit "All I Wanna Do" Sheryl Crow
#6379, aired 2012-05-17THE DAILY RUNDOWN $600: Ash Wednesday is the first day of this religious period Lent
#6379, aired 2012-05-17THE DAILY RUNDOWN $1,000 (Daily Double): Thursday, Nov. 26, 1863 was proclaimed as "a day of" this "and praise" thanksgiving
#6379, aired 2012-05-17THE DAILY RUNDOWN $1000: Jason Voorhees is the hockey-masked psycho in this film franchise; don't go in the basement! Friday the 13th

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