Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3418, aired 1999-06-16THE CORNER DRUGSTORE $200: Ergotamine, introduced in the 1920s, helps control the migraine & vascular types of these headaches
#3418, aired 1999-06-16THE CORNER DRUGSTORE $400 (Daily Double): Prescriptions for this drug, also called methylphenidate, "A.D.D." up to a 700% increase in the '90s Ritalin
#3418, aired 1999-06-16THE CORNER DRUGSTORE $400: Best-known brand name of diazepam, an anti-anxiety drug introduced in 1963 Valium
#3418, aired 1999-06-16THE CORNER DRUGSTORE $600: Available as a liquid & a tablet, it maakes the claim "No. 1 Heartburn Brand in Hospitals" Maalox
#3418, aired 1999-06-16THE CORNER DRUGSTORE $800: This "colorful" herb, Hydrastis canadensis, is combined with echinacea to boost the immune system Goldenseal

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