Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8470, aired 2021-09-17 | THE COMMON DEFENSE $200: This traditional excuse for why you don't have your homework is in the original "Saved by the Bell" theme song My dog ate it |
#8470, aired 2021-09-17 | THE COMMON DEFENSE $400: put "I'm too tired" on its list of excuses for not doing this, but says doing it actually gives you energy exercising |
#8470, aired 2021-09-17 | THE COMMON DEFENSE $600: It may be a defense for dropping a fly ball, but judges say not for rear-ending another car; be prepared if driving west at 5 PM the Sun in your eyes |
#8470, aired 2021-09-17 | THE COMMON DEFENSE $1000: This meteorological term for a chilly mass of air is a common reason given by fishermen when the bass aren't biting a cold front |
#8470, aired 2021-09-17 | THE COMMON DEFENSE $4,600 (Daily Double): He just left a relationship? He doesn't want to ruin a friendship? Nope, this title of a "no excuses" bestseller He's Just Not That Into You |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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