Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (65 results returned)

#26, aired 2024-05-08THE COLD WAR $200: It was the 3-word phrase for drills in which schoolkids crawled under desks to somehow protect themselves from a nuclear blast duck and cover
#26, aired 2024-05-08THE COLD WAR $400: Numeric nickname of the group of imprisoned & blacklisted movie professionals who refused to testify to Congress the "Hollywood Ten"
#26, aired 2024-05-08THE COLD WAR $600: The end of the Cold War was hastened by this 8-letter Russian policy that Mikhail Gorbachev promoted glasnost
#26, aired 2024-05-08THE COLD WAR $800: In 1972 the U.S. & USSR took a first step toward reducing the threat of nuclear war via these "Talks" SALT
#26, aired 2024-05-08THE COLD WAR $1000: From the late 1940s through the 1980s, the U.S. pursued this "restrictive" strategy of curbing Soviet expansion containment
#8680, aired 2022-07-08THE COLD WAR ERA $400: This president made a secret deal to take U.S. nukes out of Turkey, helping end the Cuban Missile Crisis Kennedy
#8680, aired 2022-07-08THE COLD WAR ERA $1200: In this year the U.S. & others boycotted the Moscow Olympics to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1980
#8680, aired 2022-07-08THE COLD WAR ERA $1600: The Stasi were a secret police force of this country that spied on its citizens & encouraged them to spy on each other East Germany
#8680, aired 2022-07-08THE COLD WAR ERA $2000: Abbreviated M.A.D., this theory deterred the use of nuclear weapons by suggesting there would be no winners mutually assured destruction
#8680, aired 2022-07-08THE COLD WAR ERA $3,000 (Daily Double): Unearthed decades later a 1950 letter indicates happiness by Joseph Stalin that the U.S. was entangled in this war the Korean War
#8174, aired 2020-03-05THE COLD WAR $400: Checkpoint Charlie was a heavily guarded crossing on this symbolic & physical barrier the Berlin Wall
#8174, aired 2020-03-05THE COLD WAR $800: In 1960 pilot Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the Soviet Union flying one of these spy planes a U-2
#8174, aired 2020-03-05THE COLD WAR $1200: The situation where neither side will start a war because of the cost to itself is mutual assured this, MAD for short destruction
#8174, aired 2020-03-05THE COLD WAR $1600: The brief anti-communist period of liberalization in this country in 1968 was called the Prague Spring Czechoslovakia
#8174, aired 2020-03-05THE COLD WAR $2000: Soviet leader Gorbachev initiated policies in the 1980s of glasnost, "openness", & this, meaning "restructuring" perestroika
#7833, aired 2018-10-03THE COLD WAR $400: This U.S. president declared his "doctrine" in 1947 promising to help any country facing a Communist takeover Truman
#7833, aired 2018-10-03THE COLD WAR $800: In 1991 the USSR was dissolved & the flag nicknamed this for its 2 symbols was lowered for the last time the Hammer and Sickle
#7833, aired 2018-10-03THE COLD WAR $1200: The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was resolved when this Russian leader blinked in his face-off with the USA Khrushchev
#7833, aired 2018-10-03THE COLD WAR $1600: Rhyming name for competition over the heavens; the women of "Hidden Figures" helped win it, per the book's subtitle the Space Race
#7833, aired 2018-10-03THE COLD WAR $2000: In 1956 Soviet tanks rolled into this European capital city, suppressing a short democratic revolt Budapest
#5834, aired 2010-01-14THE COLD WAR $200: This company's VapoRub is a topical ointment to help with that cough Vicks
#5834, aired 2010-01-14THE COLD WAR $400: The Plus line from this plop, plop fizz, fizz brand offers relief from cold symptoms Alka-Seltzer
#5834, aired 2010-01-14THE COLD WAR $600: "Dr. Mom" recommends this brand's cold & cough syrups Robitussin
#5834, aired 2010-01-14THE COLD WAR $800: This herbal remedy used to treat colds comes from a plant also known as the purple coneflower echinacea
#5834, aired 2010-01-14THE COLD WAR $1000: Linus Pauling wrote the 1970 bestseller called this "and the Common Cold" Vitamin C
#5674, aired 2009-04-16THE COLD WAR $200: The Cold War between the U.S. & the Soviet Union is said to have begun in this year a major hot war ended 1945
#5674, aired 2009-04-16THE COLD WAR $400 (Daily Double): In a speech in Missouri in 1946, Winston Churchill declared that this division had fallen between East & West an Iron Curtain
#5674, aired 2009-04-16THE "COLD" WAR $400: Ponds is a popular brand of this product for softening & cleaning the skin cold cream
#5674, aired 2009-04-16THE COLD WAR $400: The USA's long involvement in this country included an effort to prop up President Diem in 1961 Vietnam
#5674, aired 2009-04-16THE "COLD" WAR $800: Boundary between air masses characterized by changes in precipitation & temperature cold front
#5674, aired 2009-04-16THE COLD WAR $800: Declaring it permanently neutral, Western & Soviet forces withdrew in 1955 from this German-speaking nation Austria
#5674, aired 2009-04-16THE COLD WAR $1000: Tool nickname for the Soviet flag, lowered for the last time over the Kremlin on December 25, 1991 hammer & sickle
#5674, aired 2009-04-16THE "COLD" WAR $1200: The senseless, brutal murder of the Clutter family is at the heart of this work In Cold Blood
#5674, aired 2009-04-16THE "COLD" WAR $1600: The hypothetical mixing of atomic nuclei at a low pressure & near room temperature cold fusion
#5674, aired 2009-04-16THE "COLD" WAR $2000: Pro wrestler Steve Austin's nickname Stone Cold
#4109, aired 2002-06-13THE COLD WAR YEARS $200: This Caribbean Communist leader met Khrushchev for the first time during the 1960 U.N. General Asembly Castro
#4109, aired 2002-06-13THE COLD WAR YEARS $400: The launching of this in 1957 shocked the west as it showed the Soviets had the edge in space technology Sputnik
#4109, aired 2002-06-13THE COLD WAR YEARS $600: These 2 words were added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 by an act of Congress under God
#4109, aired 2002-06-13THE COLD WAR YEARS $800: President Eisenhower first laid out this "Theory" of Communist expansion during a 1954 press conference Domino Theory
#4109, aired 2002-06-13THE COLD WAR YEARS $1000: Congressional opponents of this Cold War "Plan" to aid postwar Europe called it "Operation Rathole" Marshall Plan
#3385, aired 1999-04-30THE COLD WAR $100: In the 1970s Linus Pauling advocated huge doses of this to battle the common cold vitamin C
#3385, aired 1999-04-30THE COLD WAR $200: Over 100 kinds of viruses cause colds, infections of the upper part of this tract respiratory tract
#3385, aired 1999-04-30THE COLD WAR $300: Quigley & this Chicago company have come up with a bubble gum cold treatment for kids Wrigley
#3385, aired 1999-04-30THE COLD WAR $400: Of stress, enlarged tonsils or wet feet, the one which experts say would most likely lead to a cold stress
#3385, aired 1999-04-30THE COLD WAR $500: Its "Plus" version for colds comes in sparkling original, orange & cherry flavors Alka-Seltzer
#3312, aired 1999-01-19THE COLD WAR $100: Some date the end of the war to December 25, 1991 when this country was dissolved Soviet Union/USSR
#3312, aired 1999-01-19THE COLD WAR $200: By the end of the Cold War the population of this "sleeping giant" was over 1 billion China
#3312, aired 1999-01-19THE COLD WAR $300: At the 20th party congress in February 1956, Nikita Khrushchev savagely denounced this late leader Josef Stalin
#3312, aired 1999-01-19THE COLD WAR $500: The Red Scare of the 1950s destroyed many careers, including that of this father of the atomic bomb Robert Oppenheimer
#3312, aired 1999-01-19THE COLD WAR $800 (Daily Double): Gamal Abdel Nasser started a Cold War crisis when he nationalized this on July 26, 1956 Suez Canal
#2593, aired 1995-12-06THE COLD WAR $200: In a 1945 telegram to Truman, Churchill first used this 2-word term for a line dividing east & west the Iron Curtain
#2593, aired 1995-12-06THE COLD WAR $400: Vaclav Havel was a member of Charter 77, this country's main dissident organization Czechoslovakia
#2593, aired 1995-12-06THE COLD WAR $600: In 1953 Allen Dulles was promoted from Deputy Director to head of this agency the CIA
#2593, aired 1995-12-06THE COLD WAR $800: Enver Hoxha led this small Balkan nation from 1944 until his death in 1985 Albania
#2593, aired 1995-12-06THE COLD WAR $1,500 (Daily Double): Ostpolitik was this German chancellor's policy of improving relations with Eastern Europe Willy Brandt
#2442, aired 1995-03-28THE COLD WAR $100: James Jesus Angleton was the chief of counter-intelligence at this U.S. organization 1954-1974 the CIA
#2442, aired 1995-03-28THE COLD WAR $200: This country's shelling of the islands of Quemoy & Matsu brought it to the brink of war with the U.S. (the Republic of) China
#2442, aired 1995-03-28THE COLD WAR $300: This U-2 pilot went on trial in Moscow in August 1960, pled guilty to espionage & was sentenced to 10 years (Francis Gary) Powers
#2442, aired 1995-03-28THE COLD WAR $400: Commander Lloyd M. Bucher was the captain of this U.S. intelligence ship taken by N. Korea in 1968 the Pueblo
#2442, aired 1995-03-28THE COLD WAR $500: Lord Mayor of Cologne 1917-1933, he later became the first Chancellor of West Germany (Konrad) Adenauer
#2218, aired 1994-04-06THE COLD WAR $100: At this French leader's request in 1967, NATO removed its headquarters from France de Gaulle
#2218, aired 1994-04-06THE COLD WAR $200: In August 1963 the U.S. & USSR set up this communications link to reduce the risk of war the Hot Line
#2218, aired 1994-04-06THE COLD WAR $300: In March 1946 Winston Churchill said that this "has descended across the continent" of Europe an Iron Curtain
#2218, aired 1994-04-06THE COLD WAR $400 (Daily Double): In June 1967 LBJ & this Soviet leader met for the first time in Glassboro, N.J. Alexei Kosygin
#2218, aired 1994-04-06THE COLD WAR $400: In response to a Soviet blockade, the West airlifted supplies into this city in 1948 & 1949 Berlin

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (3 results returned)

#7989, aired 2019-05-09THE COLD WAR: The Cold War became entrenched in the mid-1950s after the formation of these 2 rival military alliances NATO and the Warsaw Pact
#3188, aired 1998-06-10THE COLD WAR: 28 years apart, they are the year the Berlin Wall was created & the year it was torn down 1961 & 1989
#2980, aired 1997-07-11THE COLD WAR: He died November 15, 1996, having outlived his accuser by 35 years Alger Hiss (accused by Whittaker Chambers)

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