Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7898, aired 2019-01-02THE "CO"-CATEGORY $400: Rennin is this type of substance that causes clotting a coagulant
#7898, aired 2019-01-02THE "CO"-CATEGORY $800: Parts of these heraldic emblems include a crest, a helm, a mantle & sometimes lion supporters coats of arms
#7898, aired 2019-01-02THE "CO"-CATEGORY $1200: Adjective for something like cardboard that's shaped with parallel folds corrugated
#7898, aired 2019-01-02THE "CO"-CATEGORY $1600: Zico is a brand of this beverage coconut water
#7898, aired 2019-01-02THE "CO"-CATEGORY $2000: (Iain Armitage of TV's Young Sheldon presents the clue.) A very smart engineering professor has written an article on how high balls bounce based on this, the numeral in a quantity like 3x, "of restitution" the coefficient of restitution
#5795, aired 2009-11-20THE "CO"-CATEGORY $400: It's the smallest armed service of the United States the Coast Guard
#5795, aired 2009-11-20THE "CO"-CATEGORY $800: A Greek word for "poppy" gives us the name of this analgesic, an alkaloid of opium codeine
#5795, aired 2009-11-20THE "CO"-CATEGORY $1200: It's a coop for sheep or pigeons a cote
#5795, aired 2009-11-20THE "CO"-CATEGORY $1600: In 2009 Paul McCartney headlined this music fest near Palm Springs, California Coachella
#5795, aired 2009-11-20THE "CO"-CATEGORY $2000: It's an exclusive group or clique a coterie

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