Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (19 results returned)

#7987, aired 2019-05-07QUOTING THE CLASSICS $400: "Achilles was still in full pursuit of Hector, as a hound chasing a fawn" the Iliad
#7987, aired 2019-05-07QUOTING THE CLASSICS $800: Aesop's moral to this insect fable: "It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow" "The Ant and the Grasshopper"
#7987, aired 2019-05-07QUOTING THE CLASSICS $1200: Ovid: "Of bodies changed to various forms I sing" Metamorphoses
#7987, aired 2019-05-07QUOTING THE CLASSICS $2,000 (Daily Double): Plato: "Democracy passes into despotism" The Republic
#7987, aired 2019-05-07QUOTING THE CLASSICS $2000: Aristophanes: "These impossible women...can't live with them, or without them!" Lysistrata
#7541, aired 2017-05-29THE CLASSICS $200: This political treatise by Machiavelli concludes that it's "safer to be feared than to be loved" The Prince
#7541, aired 2017-05-29THE CLASSICS $400: This novel ends with the lines "He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother" 1984
#7541, aired 2017-05-29THE CLASSICS $600: "Our mother died when I was two, so I never felt her absence", says Scout in this novel To Kill a Mockingbird
#7541, aired 2017-05-29THE CLASSICS $1000: Hopefully, he was content with "The Winter of Our Discontent"--it helped him win a 1962 Nobel Prize John Steinbeck
#7541, aired 2017-05-29THE CLASSICS $3,600 (Daily Double): Charles Dickens used material from an abandoned autobiography for this 1850 novel, which he wrote in the first person David Copperfield
#5827, aired 2010-01-05IF JUDD APATOW ADAPTED THE CLASSICS $800: Agamemnon goes on a hilarious bender after sacrificing his daughter to gain a fair wind to this city Troy
#5827, aired 2010-01-05IF JUDD APATOW ADAPTED THE CLASSICS $1200: These goaty creatures who form the chorus of Euripides' "Cyclops" sure make a lot of body part jokes the satyrs
#5827, aired 2010-01-05IF JUDD APATOW ADAPTED THE CLASSICS $1600: Seth Rogen's expression was priceless when Thyestes is tragically tricked into doing this to his sons eating them
#5827, aired 2010-01-05IF JUDD APATOW ADAPTED THE CLASSICS $2000: In Apatow's "Orestes", Will Ferrell makes a cameo as the deus ex machina, this son of Zeus Apollo
#3488, aired 1999-11-03THE CLASSICS $200: Author who sent Alice down the rabbit hole into Wonderland Lewis Carroll
#3488, aired 1999-11-03THE CLASSICS $400: Title piece of furniture C.S. Lewis had the kids go through to reach Narnia Wardrobe
#3488, aired 1999-11-03THE CLASSICS $600: You should tumble to the fact she wrote "Rumble Fish" & "Tex" S.E. Hinton
#3488, aired 1999-11-03THE CLASSICS $800: He's the evil captain in Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" Captain Nemo
#3488, aired 1999-11-03THE CLASSICS $1000: In a Walter Farley tale, Alec Ramsay is stranded on an island with this title animal "The Black Stallion"

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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