Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (14 results returned)

#8455, aired 2021-07-30THE CDC SAYS SO $400: If your BMI is between 25 & 30, it falls within the overweight range; if it's higher than 30, it's considered this obese
#8455, aired 2021-07-30THE CDC SAYS SO $800: In 2020 the CDC reported there had been nearly 3,000 cases including many deaths due to EVALI, a lung injury caused by this activity vaping
#8455, aired 2021-07-30THE CDC SAYS SO $1200: "The best defense against Lyme disease" is "reducing exposure to" these bloodsuckers ticks
#8455, aired 2021-07-30THE CDC SAYS SO $1600: This hereditary disorder in which the blood does not clot properly is more common in males than females hemophilia
#8455, aired 2021-07-30THE CDC SAYS SO $2000: Pink eye is an inflammation of this clear membrane lining the inside of the eyelid & the white part of the eyeball the conjunctiva
#7302, aired 2016-05-17THE CDC SAYS $200: This "isn't just a little rash"; protect your children by making sure they get the rubeola vaccine measles
#7302, aired 2016-05-17THE CDC SAYS $600: Better hit the sack early-- "insufficient sleep is linked to an increased risk" for the Type 2 form of this disease diabetes
#7302, aired 2016-05-17THE CDC SAYS $800: This type of cancer "is highly preventable" with screening tests & a vaccine to prevent HPV infections cervical cancer
#7302, aired 2016-05-17THE CDC SAYS $1000: In 2015 the CDC warned travelers to Haiti of an outbreak of this disease caused by contaminated food & water cholera
#6490, aired 2012-11-30THE CDC SAYS $200: "In housing built before 1978 assume that the paint has" this toxic element "unless tests show otherwise" lead
#6490, aired 2012-11-30THE CDC SAYS $400: This is scary-- "almost every type of bacteria has become stronger & less responsive to" treatment with these drugs antibiotics
#6490, aired 2012-11-30THE CDC SAYS $600: Beware--this injury caused by "a bump, blow, or jolt to the head...can occur in any sport or recreational activity" a concussion
#6490, aired 2012-11-30THE CDC SAYS $800: Women should have these "every 2 years from age 50 to 74" as they "are the best find breast cancer early" mammograms
#6490, aired 2012-11-30THE CDC SAYS $1000: To prevent this type of poisoning, don't use "gasoline or charcoal-burning" devices "inside your home" carbon monoxide

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