Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#5416, aired 2008-03-10THE CANARY ISLANDS $200: The Canary Islands' highest point, 12,000-foot Pico de Teide, is the peak of a dormant one of these a volcano
#5416, aired 2008-03-10THE CANARY ISLANDS $400: On his 3 15th century voyages to the New World, his ships stopped off at the Canary Islands for supplies Columbus
#5416, aired 2008-03-10THE CANARY ISLANDS $600: In July 2007 one of these instruments with a 34-foot mirror was completed on the Canary Islands a telescope
#5416, aired 2008-03-10THE CANARY ISLANDS $1000: The Canary Islands were named for a large number of these the Romans found there, not yellow songbirds wild dogs
#5416, aired 2008-03-10THE CANARY ISLANDS $3,000 (Daily Double): In 1936 the Spanish government demoted this general to Governor of the Canary Islands Franco
#5086, aired 2006-10-23THE CANARY $200: The 50-story Canary Wharf Tower on the Thames River is this capital city's tallest building London
#5086, aired 2006-10-23THE CANARY $400: The world's largest canary diamond, a vivid yellow gem from South Africa, bears the name of this NYC jeweler Tiffany
#5086, aired 2006-10-23THE CANARY $600: Harz Mountain & St. Andreasberg are 2 regions in this European country famous as canary breeding centers Germany
#5086, aired 2006-10-23THE CANARY $800: Better-known nickname of Wild West woman Martha Jane Canary Calamity Jane
#5086, aired 2006-10-23THE CANARY $1000: Canaries take their name from the Canary Islands, which belong to this country Spain

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