Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6396, aired 2012-06-11THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $400: No. 1 is the inner coffin of Hornedjitef, an ancient priest of this kingdom, from the 3rd century B.C. Egypt
#6396, aired 2012-06-11THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $800: The bronze head of this first Roman emperor butted its way onto the list Caesar Augustus
#6396, aired 2012-06-11THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $1600: A recent artifact is a Sharia-compliant credit card issued in 2009 in this federation of states in the Middle East the UAE (United Arab Emirates)
#6396, aired 2012-06-11THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $2000: British pride added a helmet from this site where an undisturbed 7th-century Anglo-Saxon burial ship was excavated Sutton Hoo
#6396, aired 2012-06-11THE BRITISH MUSEUM'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN 100 OBJECTS $4,500 (Daily Double): The 19th C. is represented by a chronometer from this ship that helped make scientific history in the 1830s The Beagle

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