Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7482, aired 2017-03-07BOX OFFICE CHAMPS OF THE DECADE $200: The 1990s: starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet Titanic
#7482, aired 2017-03-07BOX OFFICE CHAMPS OF THE DECADE $400: The 1970s: starring Mark Hamill, Alec Guinness Star Wars
#7482, aired 2017-03-07BOX OFFICE CHAMPS OF THE DECADE $600: The 2000s: starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana Avatar
#7482, aired 2017-03-07BOX OFFICE CHAMPS OF THE DECADE $800: The 1960s: starring Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer The Sound of Music
#7482, aired 2017-03-07BOX OFFICE CHAMPS OF THE DECADE $1000: The 1980s: starring Henry Thomas, Drew Barrymore E.T.
#6421, aired 2012-07-16NO. 1 AT THE BOX OFFICE $200: This 1995 smash was inspired by the Pixar short film "Tin Toy" Toy Story
#6421, aired 2012-07-16NO. 1 AT THE BOX OFFICE $400: The son of a virtual world programmer ends up in the world that his dad (Jeff Bridges) created in this sequel Tron: Legacy
#6421, aired 2012-07-16NO. 1 AT THE BOX OFFICE $600: "There was only one man left in the family, and the mission was to save him" was a tagline to this 1998 film Saving Private Ryan
#6421, aired 2012-07-16NO. 1 AT THE BOX OFFICE $800: Eddie Murphy got the role of police detective Axel Foley in this 1984 blockbuster after Sly Stallone bowed out Beverly Hills Cop
#6421, aired 2012-07-16NO. 1 AT THE BOX OFFICE $1000: In the third entry in this series, from 2008, Troy & Gabriella might be headed for different colleges--time to sing! High School Musical

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#5368, aired 2008-01-02THE BOX OFFICE: Rated "R" for violence, this 2004 film set in ancient times is the highest-grossing "R" movie ever in the U.S. The Passion of the Christ

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