Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2670, aired 1996-03-22THE BODY CANINE $100: These pendulous body parts of Doberman pinschers are often cropped to make them stand up Ears
#2670, aired 1996-03-22THE BODY CANINE $200: A dog cools its body mainly by panting because these glands are only found on its feet Sweat Glands
#2670, aired 1996-03-22THE BODY CANINE $300: Like other running animals, many dogs lack this bone also called the clavicle Collarbone
#2670, aired 1996-03-22THE BODY CANINE $400: The canine digestive system closely resembles the human while lacking this "vermiform" projection Appendix
#2670, aired 1996-03-22THE BODY CANINE $800 (Daily Double): Varying in number, the caudal vertebrae of a dog are found in this body part Tail

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