Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9215, aired 2024-11-29THE BILLBOARD HOT 100: APRIL 9, 1983 $200: The No. 1 song was this Michael Jackson ode to denying biological parentage "Billie Jean"
#9215, aired 2024-11-29THE BILLBOARD HOT 100: APRIL 9, 1983 $400: "We've Got Tonight", & we've got this country "Gambler" teaming with Sheena Easton Kenny Rogers
#9215, aired 2024-11-29THE BILLBOARD HOT 100: APRIL 9, 1983 $600: They they were "Hungry Like The Wolf" to be No. 1, but fell fell 2 spots short Duran Duran
#9215, aired 2024-11-29THE BILLBOARD HOT 100: APRIL 9, 1983 $800: Welcome Dexys Midnight Runners to the stage! They're charting with this song, & may we add, "too rah loo rah too rah loo rye ay" "Come On Eileen"
#9215, aired 2024-11-29THE BILLBOARD HOT 100: APRIL 9, 1983 $1000: "My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain IBM" in this song that included some lyrics in Japanese, No. 5 for Styx "Mr. Roboto"

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