Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#9062, aired 2024-03-19WELCOME TO THE BIG LEAGUES $200: In 1992 England's top soccer clubs broke away from their historic football league to form this elite entity the Premier League
#9062, aired 2024-03-19WELCOME TO THE BIG LEAGUES $400: In 2020 MLB gave retroactive major league status to 7 of these leagues that existed from 1920 to 1948 the Negro Leagues
#9062, aired 2024-03-19WELCOME TO THE BIG LEAGUES $600: In 1924 the NHL added its first U.S. team, this New England squad the Boston Bruins
#9062, aired 2024-03-19WELCOME TO THE BIG LEAGUES $800: The Indiana Pacers debuted in 1967 in this new big league; it's gone, but the team is still around the ABA
#9062, aired 2024-03-19WELCOME TO THE BIG LEAGUES $1000: This league's 20-yard-deep end zone means Cody Fajardo has more options close to the goal line than Patrick Mahomes does the CFL (Canadian Football League)
#7854, aired 2018-11-01THE BIG LEAGUES $400: England, Spain & the Holy Roman Empire joined the pope's 1511 Holy League to fight this country's Louis XII France
#7854, aired 2018-11-01THE BIG LEAGUES $1,000 (Daily Double): It was formally dissolved in April 1946 the League of Nations
#7854, aired 2018-11-01THE BIG LEAGUES $1200: From the 13th to the 15th centuries, the Hanseatic League controlled trade in this sea the North Sea (or the Baltic)
#7854, aired 2018-11-01THE BIG LEAGUES $1600: By the 2nd century B.C., the Achaean League controlled most of this 8,000-square mile peninsula the Peloponnesian Peninsula
#7854, aired 2018-11-01THE BIG LEAGUES $2000: Founded to help racial minorities adjust to city life, the National this League has 90 affiliates serving 300 communities the Urban League

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