Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3015, aired 1997-10-10THE BIG 4-0 $100: He was 40 in 1974 when he broke the all-time career home run record Henry Aaron
#3015, aired 1997-10-10THE BIG 4-0 $200: At age 40 in 1781 this American traitor moved to London but was denied military service Benedict Arnold
#3015, aired 1997-10-10THE BIG 4-0 $300: In 1810 this 40-year-old married the teenager Marie Louise of Austria Napoleon Bonaparte
#3015, aired 1997-10-10THE BIG 4-0 $400: This 40-year-old former shipyard electrician won the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize Lech Walesa
#3015, aired 1997-10-10THE BIG 4-0 $500: In 1919 this 40-year-old Virginia woman was elected to the British parliament Lady Astor

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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