Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7955, aired 2019-03-22THE BELLS ARE RINGING $200: Created around 1831, he's literature's most famous bell-ringer Quasimodo
#7955, aired 2019-03-22THE BELLS ARE RINGING $400: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows three different bells on the monitor.) Depending on size and composition, bells may tinkle, chime, or make this sound, from the Latin for "to summon" peal
#7955, aired 2019-03-22THE BELLS ARE RINGING $600: One of the heaviest bells is the 127-ton "Bell of Good Luck" in Henan in this country where the oldest bells have been found China
#7955, aired 2019-03-22THE BELLS ARE RINGING $1,000 (Daily Double): Macbeth rhymes, "The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a" this "that summons thee to heaven, or to hell" the knell
#7955, aired 2019-03-22THE BELLS ARE RINGING $1000: This "venerable" Anglo-Saxon historian gets credit for starting the tradition of ringing bells at funerals Bede
#5542, aired 2008-10-14THE BELLS ARE RINGING $200: The bell variety of this edible item is a specially cultivated group from the species Capsicum annuum the pepper
#5542, aired 2008-10-14THE BELLS ARE RINGING $400: Formerly known as Molson Centre, Bell Centre is the home ice for this Canadian hockey team the Montreal Canadiens
#5542, aired 2008-10-14THE BELLS ARE RINGING $600: The Xmas song standard titled these "Bells" was introduced by Bob Hope in the 1951 movie "The Lemon Drop Kid" "Silver Bells"
#5542, aired 2008-10-14THE BELLS ARE RINGING $800: In 1752 England's Whitechapel Foundry cast this at a cost of 150 pounds, 13 shillings, 8 pence the Liberty Bell
#5542, aired 2008-10-14THE BELLS ARE RINGING $1000: Poe rhymed "the rolling of the bells--of the bells, bells, bells", with this "of the bells" the tolling of the bells

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