Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6087, aired 2011-02-15THE ART OF THE STEAL $400: Rembrandt's biblical scene "Storm on the Sea of" this was stolen from a Boston museum in 1990 Galilee
#6087, aired 2011-02-15THE ART OF THE STEAL $800: A Goya stolen (but recovered) in 2006 belonged to a museum in this city (Ohio, not Spain) Toledo
#6087, aired 2011-02-15THE ART OF THE STEAL $1,246 (Daily Double): The ancient "Lion of Nimrud" went missing from this city's National Museum in 2003 (along with a lot of other stuff) Baghdad
#6087, aired 2011-02-15THE ART OF THE STEAL $1600: In May 2010 5 paintings worth $125 million by Braque, Matisse & 3 others left Paris' Museum of this art period modern art
#6087, aired 2011-02-15THE ART OF THE STEAL $2000: A Titian portrait of this Spanish king was stolen at gunpoint from an Argentine museum in 1987 Philip II of Spain

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