Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6674, aired 2013-09-26THE ART OF GEORGIA O'KEEFFE $400: In many of her flower paintings, O'Keeffe employed photography techniques like close-ups & this--trimming off edges cropping
#6674, aired 2013-09-26THE ART OF GEORGIA O'KEEFFE $800: Using one of these to climb to her roof inspired O'Keeffe's painting this "to the Moon" a ladder
#6674, aired 2013-09-26THE ART OF GEORGIA O'KEEFFE $1200: In many of her paintings, O'Keeffe depicted this bony anatomical structure the pelvis
#6674, aired 2013-09-26THE ART OF GEORGIA O'KEEFFE $1600: O'Keeffe's observations of this planet in late afternoon inspired her "Evening Star" paintings Venus
#6674, aired 2013-09-26THE ART OF GEORGIA O'KEEFFE $3,000 (Daily Double): O'Keeffe said, "Artists who spend any time in" this city near Santa Fe "have to paint the Ranchos Church"; here's her take Taos

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