Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#4923, aired 2006-01-25THE REAL ADAMS FAMILY $400: Let's drink a beer to the memory of this man who died in Boston Oct. 2, 1803, aged 81 Sam Adams
#4923, aired 2006-01-25THE REAL ADAMS FAMILY $800: In 1900 Brooks Adams predicted that in 50 years these countries would be the world's 2 main powers the United States & Russia
#4923, aired 2006-01-25THE REAL ADAMS FAMILY $1200: On becoming president, he said he was "less possessed of your confidence... than any of my predecessors" John Quincy Adams
#4923, aired 2006-01-25THE REAL ADAMS FAMILY $1600: Henry Adams lived in this city, & there's a memorial to his wife Clover in Rock Creek Cemetery there Washington, D.C.
#4923, aired 2006-01-25THE REAL ADAMS FAMILY $2000: In 1848 Charles Francis Adams was on the ticket of this 2-word party formed to oppose the extension of slavery the Free Soil Party
#3704, aired 2000-10-12THE ADAMS FAMILY $100: In 1767 his wife gave birth to a future U.S. president John Adams
#3704, aired 2000-10-12THE ADAMS FAMILY $200: You'll have missed it by that much if you don't know this man played inept TV secret agent Maxwell Smart Don Adams
#3704, aired 2000-10-12THE ADAMS FAMILY $300: This European politician seen here is often embroiled in controversy Gerry Adams (of Sinn Fein)
#3704, aired 2000-10-12THE ADAMS FAMILY $400: A large bear named Ben was the best friend of this Dan Haggerty TV character Grizzly Adams
#3704, aired 2000-10-12THE ADAMS FAMILY $500: Beginning in the mid-1930s, this wilderness photographer served as a director of the Sierra Club Ansel Adams
#991, aired 1988-12-19THE ADAMS FAMILY $200: Dress for his Boston Tea Party wasn't tie & tails but feathers & war paint Samuel Adams
#991, aired 1988-12-19THE ADAMS FAMILY $400: As minister to this country, Charles Francis Adams helped keep it neutral during the Civil War England
#991, aired 1988-12-19THE ADAMS FAMILY $600: The only American woman whose husband & son were both elected president Abigail Adams
#991, aired 1988-12-19THE ADAMS FAMILY $800: He died a congressman on February 23, 1848 saying, "This is the last of Earth. I am content." John Quincy Adams
#991, aired 1988-12-19THE ADAMS FAMILY $1000: "The Education of" this "Adams" is considered a classic in American literature Henry Adams

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