Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5041, aired 2006-07-10THE 2005 FORTUNE 500 $400: This Redmond, Washington mega-corporation clicked in at 48, one spot ahead of Intel Microsoft
#5041, aired 2006-07-10THE 2005 FORTUNE 500 $800: "Nobody doesn't like" this Chicago-based food co., No. 111, but we don't not prefer to use proper grammar, too Sara Lee
#5041, aired 2006-07-10THE 2005 FORTUNE 500 $1200: Ken Jennings should be well aware this accounting firm founded by 2 brothers landed at 467 H&R Block
#5041, aired 2006-07-10THE 2005 FORTUNE 500 $1600: Let's see, I need 127 gallons of OJ, 5,050 rolls of paper towels & 4 computers... I'm off to this company, No. 28 Costco
#5041, aired 2006-07-10THE 2005 FORTUNE 500 $2000: It may be a "Wild Kingdom" out there, but at 491, this corporation isn't afraid to insure it Mutual of Omaha

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