Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4138, aired 2002-09-04THE 2002 WINTER OLYMPICS $200: The USA's first gold medal was earned by Kelly Clark, who won the halfpipe event in this sport snowboarding
#4138, aired 2002-09-04THE 2002 WINTER OLYMPICS $400: This 16-year-old shocked the figure skating world by winning over Michelle Kwan & Irina Slutskaya Sarah Hughes
#4138, aired 2002-09-04THE 2002 WINTER OLYMPICS $600: Ole Bjoerndalen won 4 golds competing in this sport that combines shooting & skiing the biathlon
#4138, aired 2002-09-04THE 2002 WINTER OLYMPICS $800: Vonetta Flowers competing in this 2-woman sport became the first black American to win Winter Olympics gold the bobsled
#4138, aired 2002-09-04THE 2002 WINTER OLYMPICS $1000: A judging scandal erupted in figure skating & this Canadian pair got gold 6 days after the event Jamie Sale & David Pelletier

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