Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9234, aired 2024-12-26THE 18-SCHOOL BIG TEN $200: Once classically Big Eight, this Big Ten U. boasts Warren Buffett, Willa Cather & John J. Pershing as alums Nebraska
#9234, aired 2024-12-26THE 18-SCHOOL BIG TEN $400: The Steven Spielberg Building is at the School of Cinematic Arts at this Pac-12... I mean, of course, Big Ten college USC
#9234, aired 2024-12-26THE 18-SCHOOL BIG TEN $600: The Phil & Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact is at this Pac-12... I mean, of course, Big Ten college Oregon
#9234, aired 2024-12-26THE 18-SCHOOL BIG TEN $800: One theory says this once-independent U.'s "Happy Valley" got its name in the Depression, when the school's stability kept hard times away Penn State
#9234, aired 2024-12-26THE 18-SCHOOL BIG TEN $1000: This school that said goodbye to the ACC is part of a state system that includes Bowie State & Towson Universities Maryland

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