Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7884, aired 2018-12-13THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST $200: Byron is dead & Fauntleroy is fictional, but my true love has those 2 & 8 others with this title a-leaping! lords
#7884, aired 2018-12-13THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST $400: I really don't wanna know where my BFF found the 8 maids a-doing this milking
#7884, aired 2018-12-13THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST $600: My true love went all out, getting Stewart Copeland, Clem Burke, Ginger Baker & 9 other of these musicians drummers
#7884, aired 2018-12-13THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST $800: Looks like the love of my life got fowl with this trio three French hens
#7884, aired 2018-12-13THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST $1000: A couple of these birds that winter in central Africa? Oh, my true love, you shouldn't have! Really. I mean that turtle doves

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