Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8614, aired 2022-04-07THAT PAINTING HAS A TITLE $400: Jackson Pollock's first wall-sized painting was fittingly titled this, from a word meaning "wall" Mural
#8614, aired 2022-04-07THAT PAINTING HAS A TITLE $800: In 1851, this iconic painting of an incident from American history sold for what was then a huge sum--$10,000 Washington Crossing the Delaware
#8614, aired 2022-04-07THAT PAINTING HAS A TITLE $1200: Botticelli's allegorical painting "Spring" also has this Italian title Primavera
#8614, aired 2022-04-07THAT PAINTING HAS A TITLE $2,000 (Daily Double): Turns out Gainsborough originally put a dog in this 1770 portrait of a young lad clad in shades of indigo The Blue Boy
#8614, aired 2022-04-07THAT PAINTING HAS A TITLE $2000: The Vermeer here is sometimes called simply "Allegory" of this virtue, & sometimes "Allegory of the Catholic" this Faith
#8326, aired 2021-02-01THAT TITLE HAS A TITLE $400: In this novel an inmate named Abbe Faria helps Edmond Dantes plot his escape from prison The Count of Monte Cristo
#8326, aired 2021-02-01THAT TITLE HAS A TITLE $800: In this drama by Sophocles, the Oracle of Delphi has bad news for the person who murdered Jocasta's first husband Oedipus Rex
#8326, aired 2021-02-01THAT TITLE HAS A TITLE $1200: Siddhartha Mukherjee wrote a biography of cancer called this "of All Maladies" The Emperor
#8326, aired 2021-02-01THAT TITLE HAS A TITLE $1600: This story by Hans Christian Andersen served as an inspiration for the movie "Frozen" The Snow Queen
#8326, aired 2021-02-01THAT TITLE HAS A TITLE $5,000 (Daily Double): James Clavell set "Tai-Pan" in China; this 1975 novel of his is set in Japan in 1600 Shogun

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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