Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9228, aired 2024-12-18THAT'S WEIRD $200: A Mattel doll is based on this Kate McKinnon character from a 2023 movie Weird Barbie
#9228, aired 2024-12-18THAT'S WEIRD $400: In cognitive science, the acronym "WEIRD" stands for "Western, Educated, Industrialized", this financial state "and Democratic" Rich
#9228, aired 2024-12-18THAT'S WEIRD $600: Weird Tales magazine published his story "The Black Ferris", which formed the basis for "Something Wicked This Way Comes" Ray Bradbury
#9228, aired 2024-12-18THAT'S WEIRD $800: The Weird U.S. travel guide includes such sites as the Fall River, Massachusetts house of this accused murderess Lizzie Borden
#9228, aired 2024-12-18THAT'S WEIRD $1000: It's the formal & familial though maybe not terribly polite way to address the trio of witches in "Macbeth" the Weird Sisters

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