Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9221, aired 2024-12-09THAT'S ALL HISTORY $400: The auto-da-fé, or act of faith, was the ceremony in which the sentences of this were pronounced & carried out the Inquisition
#9221, aired 2024-12-09THAT'S ALL HISTORY $800: In business around 1070, Hereward the Wake was an Anglo-Saxon hero who rebelled against this other "the" guy William the Conqueror
#9221, aired 2024-12-09THAT'S ALL HISTORY $1200: French army officer Hippolyte Charles, this woman's lover after her 1796 marriage, somehow lived until 1837 Josephine
#9221, aired 2024-12-09THAT'S ALL HISTORY $1600: The ruins of the Iron Age city called "Great" this lie south of Harare in the country of the same name Zimbabwe
#9221, aired 2024-12-09THAT'S ALL HISTORY $2000: Pushed out of Dacia by the Huns in 376, they moved in to Roman land, did some attacking of their own & went on west the Visigoths

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