Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (25 results returned)

#8163, aired 2020-02-19FAMOUS TEXANS $400: This TV comedienne was born in San Antonio Carol Burnett
#8163, aired 2020-02-19FAMOUS TEXANS $800: Like a good Texan, he played high school football but an injury put him in a cast for six months so he turned to other pursuits (Patrick) Swayze
#8163, aired 2020-02-19FAMOUS TEXANS $1200: This musical trio has been performing together for fifty years ZZ Top
#8163, aired 2020-02-19FAMOUS TEXANS $1600: Born to two University of Texas students, this Austin boy is in the Texas Film Hall of Fame Ethan Hawke
#8163, aired 2020-02-19FAMOUS TEXANS $2000: This rock pioneer was an original inductee into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Buddy Holly
#2608, aired 1995-12-27FAMOUS TEXANS $100: Roy Rogers' leading lady, this "Queen of the West" is a native of Uvalde, Texas Dale Evans
#2608, aired 1995-12-27FAMOUS TEXANS $200: This singer turned sausage entrepreneur is a member of the Texas Hall of Fame Jimmy Dean
#2608, aired 1995-12-27FAMOUS TEXANS $300: The son of Mexican-American parents, this famous golfer was born near Dallas in 1939 Lee Trevino
#2608, aired 1995-12-27FAMOUS TEXANS $400: He debuted the Houston Symphony when he was 13; at 23 he won the Tchaikovsky Piano Competition Van Cliburn
#2608, aired 1995-12-27FAMOUS TEXANS $500: Actress/dancers Ann Miller & this wife of Tony Martin both hail from Texas Cyd Charisse
#2512, aired 1995-07-04FAMOUS TEXANS $100: He was born near Stonewall, Texas in 1908; his wife Lady Bird was born in Karnack Lyndon Baines Johnson
#2512, aired 1995-07-04FAMOUS TEXANS $200: This San Antonio resident helps out America's homemakers with lots of "Hints" Heloise
#2512, aired 1995-07-04FAMOUS TEXANS $300: A native of Texas, this author has set many of his novels there, including "Lonesome Dove" Larry McMurtry
#2512, aired 1995-07-04FAMOUS TEXANS $400: A Texas county is named for this "father of condensed milk" who was one of the state's pioneer settlers (Gail) Borden
#2512, aired 1995-07-04FAMOUS TEXANS $500: The family home of this longtime Speaker of the House is now a museum in Bonham, Texas Sam Rayburn
#1345, aired 1990-06-08TEXANS $100: The younger sister of Phylicia Rashad, this dancer won 2 Emmys for her choreography on "Fame" Debbie Allen
#1345, aired 1990-06-08TEXANS $200: Anchorman who wrote a memoir titled "The Camera Never Blinks: Adventures in TV Journalism" Dan Rather
#1345, aired 1990-06-08TEXANS $300: When orphaned at age 17, he took control of his father's Houston-based tool company (Howard) Hughes
#1345, aired 1990-06-08TEXANS $400: This first black heavyweight boxing champ claimed he lost deliberately to Jess Willard in 1915 Jack Johnson
#1345, aired 1990-06-08TEXANS $500: This "outlaw" singer topped the country charts in 1977 with "Luckenbach, Texas" Waylon Jennings
#819, aired 1988-03-10TEXANS $200: This network anchor went to Sam Houston college & was a reporter for the Houston Chronicle Dan Rather
#819, aired 1988-03-10TEXANS $600: As Treasury Sec'y. this former Texas gov. signed all U.S. money; now bankrupt, he says he has none John Connally
#819, aired 1988-03-10TEXANS $700 (Daily Double): This Texan was so popular in Britain that when he toured w/the Beatles, they gave him equal billing: "Pretty woman, walkin' down the street / Pretty woman, the kind I'd like to meet / Pretty woman / I don't believe you..." Roy Orbison
#819, aired 1988-03-10TEXANS $800: He popularized the slogan "Remember the Alamo" before inventing condensed milk Gail Borden
#819, aired 1988-03-10TEXANS $1000: Miriam Ferguson, who became governor 7 yrs. after her husband had been impeached, had this nickname "Ma"

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