Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#5921, aired 2010-05-17 | TECH-TONICS $200: On Jan, 27, 2010 this CEO announced his company's latest creation, the iPad Steve Jobs |
#5921, aired 2010-05-17 | TECH-TONICS $400: The Bloggie one of these from Sony has a lens that swivels 270 degrees a camera |
#5921, aired 2010-05-17 | TECH-TONICS $600: In 2000, tired of malware, Patrick Kolla came up with this "search & destroy" software & gave it away for free Spybot |
#5921, aired 2010-05-17 | TECH-TONICS $800: The GO 550 LIVE GPS from this double-talk company scouts both fuel prices & traffic problems TomTom |
#5921, aired 2010-05-17 | TECH-TONICS $1000: The BlackBerry Bold 9000 by R.I.M., this Canadian company, has a 624 MHz processor Research In Motion |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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