Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6646, aired 2013-07-08TEACH YOUR CHILDREN $400: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue.) Place your fingers over the laces and flick the wrist downward to make your pass a perfect one of these spiral
#6646, aired 2013-07-08TEACH YOUR CHILDREN $800: Push the barb all the way through at several places on the body in this pre-angling task baiting (a hook)
#6646, aired 2013-07-08TEACH YOUR CHILDREN $1200: A "push cut" helps when carving intricate shapes in this activity whose name comes from the Middle English for "knife" whittling
#6646, aired 2013-07-08TEACH YOUR CHILDREN $1600: It's adding an extra turn in the wide triangular knot that gives this necktie style its royal name Windsor
#6646, aired 2013-07-08TEACH YOUR CHILDREN $2000: In the firefighting acronym P.A.S.S., pull the pin, aim at the fire's base, squeeze the lever, then do this until the fire is out sweep

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