Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8937, aired 2023-09-26ABOUT FACE TATTOO $200: Lil Wayne's facial tributes to this city include a fleur-de-lis & the number 17, for the 17th Ward where "The Carter" grew up New Orleans
#8937, aired 2023-09-26ABOUT FACE TATTOO $400: This rapper whose face says "always tired" isn't tired of success, like 365 million streams in one week of "Hollywood's Bleeding" Post Malone
#8937, aired 2023-09-26ABOUT FACE TATTOO $600: If you don't like the L.A. Dodgers logo near the right eye of this West Side rapper, don't hate the playa--hate the... The Game
#8937, aired 2023-09-26ABOUT FACE TATTOO $800: Drummer Travis Barker of this "Enema Of The State" band felt "blessed" enough to put that in cursive under his eye Blink-182
#8937, aired 2023-09-26ABOUT FACE TATTOO $1000: Aaron of these soulful singing brothers has a cheek cross/dagger done in his teens by a buddy using sewing needles The Neville Brothers
#7619, aired 2017-10-26TATTOO $400: Guitarist Dave Navarro hosts the Spike TV tattoo competition show this "Master" Ink Master
#7619, aired 2017-10-26TATTOO $800: The blog Hanzi Smatter can make sure your tattoo is accurate in this language written entirely in Hanzi characters Chinese
#7619, aired 2017-10-26TATTOO $1200: The safest way to remove tattoos is to break up the pigment using this device a laser
#7619, aired 2017-10-26TATTOO $1600: This Old Testament book that bans a lot of things says, "Ye shall not... print any marks upon you" Leviticus
#7619, aired 2017-10-26TATTOO $2000: Dotwork tattoos use this technique, from the Dutch for "dot" stippling

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