Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7383, aired 2016-10-19TARANTINO'S FAVORITE ACTORS $400: As an officer who doesn't like Nazis, he gives Christoph Waltz a new look at the end of "Inglourious Basterds" (Brad) Pitt
#7383, aired 2016-10-19TARANTINO'S FAVORITE ACTORS $800: She gave the audience a shot of adrenaline in "Pulp Fiction", her first Tarantino film (Uma) Thurman
#7383, aired 2016-10-19TARANTINO'S FAVORITE ACTORS $1200: In "Django Unchained", this Tarantino veteran plays a house slave almost as evil as his master Samuel L. Jackson
#7383, aired 2016-10-19TARANTINO'S FAVORITE ACTORS $1600: This veteran actor has appeared in Tarantino movies as Mr. White & the problem-solving man known as "The Wolf" (Harvey) Keitel
#7383, aired 2016-10-19TARANTINO'S FAVORITE ACTORS $2000: This British actor was unlucky & undercover as Mr. Orange in "Reservoir Dogs" (Tim) Roth

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