Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4200, aired 2002-11-29TALK LIKE SHAKESPEARE $400: Of pestilent, perspicuous or periapt, the one that means "obvious" or "clear" perspicuous
#4200, aired 2002-11-29TALK LIKE SHAKESPEARE $800: Mentioned in "Henry VIII", "to congee" is to do this; as in "They first congee unto her, then dance" bow or curtsy
#4200, aired 2002-11-29TALK LIKE SHAKESPEARE $1600: This word Shakespeare coined for "encumbering paraphernalia" is now something carried on trips luggage
#4200, aired 2002-11-29TALK LIKE SHAKESPEARE $2,000 (Daily Double): In this play Shakespeare makes an easy pun on "cates", a word for delicacies or sweetmeats Taming of the Shrew
#4200, aired 2002-11-29TALK LIKE SHAKESPEARE $2000: (Pun!) A quartet of old Roman predictors of the future, or several actors in a Shakespearean play four soothsayers ("Forsooth" sayers)

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