Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7327, aired 2016-06-21 | TAKE ME OUT OF THE BALL GAME $200: (Dan Patrick presents the clue.) He retired in '93, then came back to lead the Bulls to 3 straight titles; retirement & comeback no. 2... could've gone better Michael Jordan |
#7327, aired 2016-06-21 | TAKE ME OUT OF THE BALL GAME $400: On May 2, 1939 Babe Dahlgren (not Ruth) took over for this man who sat down for the first time in 2,130 games Gehrig |
#7327, aired 2016-06-21 | TAKE ME OUT OF THE BALL GAME $600: After winning a Super Bowl with N.Y. in 2008, this D.E. hung it up; he soon began co-hosting a morning show Strahan |
#7327, aired 2016-06-21 | TAKE ME OUT OF THE BALL GAME $800: His last match was a 1977 exhibition game between the New York Cosmos & Brazil's Santos; he played for both sides Pelé |
#7327, aired 2016-06-21 | TAKE ME OUT OF THE BALL GAME $1000: In March 2016 he said, "18 is a good number and" after 18 years "today I retire from pro football" Peyton Manning |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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