Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9225, aired 2024-12-13"T-W-A" $400: It's the feline name for the runway where models strut their stuff a catwalk
#9225, aired 2024-12-13"T-W-A" $800: It can mean asunder or a pair, like in that famous line about them never meeting twain
#9225, aired 2024-12-13"T-W-A" $1200: This German Air Force was officially announced in 1935, at which time it already had hundreds of planes the Luftwaffe
#9225, aired 2024-12-13"T-W-A" $1600: There's no wiggle room in this word for a miser a tightwad
#9225, aired 2024-12-13"T-W-A" $2000: It's a formal ruling on a point of Islamic law; one was famously rendered against Salman Rushdie in 1989 a fatwa

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