Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (30 results returned)

#20, aired 2023-11-15"N-I-A-L" AIN'T A RIVER IN EGYPT $200: It's the term for a 200th anniversary; the United States celebrated one in 1976 bicentennial
#20, aired 2023-11-15"N-I-A-L" AIN'T A RIVER IN EGYPT $400: Stereotypes about this demographic -- also known as "Gen Y" -- include "tech-savvy" & "saddled with student loan debt" millennial
#20, aired 2023-11-15"N-I-A-L" AIN'T A RIVER IN EGYPT $600: It describes the "first pitch" thrown by a guest of honor at a baseball game -- a nice way of saying it doesn't actually count ceremonial
#20, aired 2023-11-15"N-I-A-L" AIN'T A RIVER IN EGYPT $800: Showcasing life in the 18th century, this Virginia attraction calls itself "the world's largest living history museum" Colonial Williamsburg
#20, aired 2023-11-15"N-I-A-L" AIN'T A RIVER IN EGYPT $1000: It's the 2000 comedy with the Sandra Bullock line, "I'm in a dress, I have gel in my hair... & I'm armed. Don't mess with me" Miss Congeniality
#8343, aired 2021-02-24"T-N-T" $400: Adjective for air that moves suddenly & violently turbulent
#8343, aired 2021-02-24"T-N-T" $800: "Fashion" term for a disloyal person who betrays a cause turncoat
#8343, aired 2021-02-24"T-N-T" $1200: A friend & collaborator of Louis Armstrong, Jack Teagarden had this musical job a trombonist
#8343, aired 2021-02-24"T-N-T" $1600: This part of a church intersects the nave to form a cross a transept
#8343, aired 2021-02-24"T-N-T" $2000: A stop on ancient caravan routes, this capital is now the largest city in Central Asia Tashkent
#6805, aired 2014-03-28HANDLING SOME T-N-T $200: You "go off on" this geometric term if you digress suddenly a tangent
#6805, aired 2014-03-28HANDLING SOME T-N-T $400: An oppressive ruler a tyrant
#6805, aired 2014-03-28HANDLING SOME T-N-T $600: An object of little value, like a small piece of jewelry a trinket
#6805, aired 2014-03-28HANDLING SOME T-N-T $800: To sully or tarnish to taint
#6805, aired 2014-03-28HANDLING SOME T-N-T $1000: British term for a merry-go-round; sounds like fair play a turnabout
#6344, aired 2012-03-29RUNNING ON "N.T." $200: It doesn't count as opening someone else's mail to read the letter to Philemon found in this book The New Testament
#6344, aired 2012-03-29RUNNING ON "N.T." $400: A classy goodbye includes "until" then, the occasion after this one next time
#6344, aired 2012-03-29RUNNING ON "N.T." $600: In the address P.O. Box 438 Fort Simpson, NT X0E 0NO, NT is short for this Northwest Territories
#6344, aired 2012-03-29RUNNING ON "N.T." $800: The guy not as important as the top guy but more important than every other guy number two
#6344, aired 2012-03-29RUNNING ON "N.T." $1000: More kids than adults have these episodes of fear & sometimes screaming during sleep night terrors
#5932, aired 2010-06-01T-N-C $400: A loose-fitting cloak extending to the hips or knees a tunic
#5932, aired 2010-06-01T-N-C $800: A long, steep-sided depression in the ground or the ocean floor a trench
#5932, aired 2010-06-01T-N-C $1200: Instability in the atmosphere that means it's time to buckle your airplane seatbelt turbulence
#5932, aired 2010-06-01T-N-C $1600: From the Latin for "dyeing", it's a medicine used in small amounts, consisting of an extract in solution tincture
#5932, aired 2010-06-01T-N-C $2000: The act of abstaining from excess or an anti-alcohol movement of the late 19th century temperance
#5779, aired 2009-10-29TEA 'N T $200: Wired magazine asked & answered the question "How much is all the tea" here "actually worth?" $1,590,653,400 China
#5779, aired 2009-10-29TEA 'N T $400: A U.S. government security with maturity 1 year or less is called this, 5 letters total a T-bill
#5779, aired 2009-10-29TEA 'N T $600: A tea plant matures in 3 to 5 years & produces a growth of new shoots called this; a royal one is great in poker a flush
#5779, aired 2009-10-29TEA 'N T $800: In medical speak, "T & A" is this operation "& adenoidectomy"; keep it medical, folks! tonsillectomy
#5779, aired 2009-10-29TEA 'N T $1000: Seen here, this instrument is used in mechanical drawing a T square

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