Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7419, aired 2016-12-08SWEET "T" $200: In 1998 this candy brand produced a record-setting 1,200-foot-long piece of licorice Twizzler
#7419, aired 2016-12-08SWEET "T" $400: They're the two similarly-named candies seen here taffy & toffee
#7419, aired 2016-12-08SWEET "T" $600: Unsweetened cocoa is the classic coating for these ball-shaped chocolate candies truffles
#7419, aired 2016-12-08SWEET "T" $800: It's the Girl Scouts' bestselling cookie & President Obama also declared it his favorite Thin Mints
#7419, aired 2016-12-08SWEET "T" $1000: This Latin American cake gets its name from the mixture of evaporated, condensed & whole milk that's poured on top tres leches

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