Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9250, aired 2025-01-17 | SWAMPY AMERICA $400: About 26 miles from Times Square, you'll find this state's "Great Swamp", a National Wildlife Refuge New Jersey |
#9250, aired 2025-01-17 | SWAMPY AMERICA $800: A "pogo" stick may help you get around this massive swamp that straddles the border of Georgia & Florida Okefenokee |
#9250, aired 2025-01-17 | SWAMPY AMERICA $1200: This vast swamp on the Virginia & North Carolina border got its depressing name in 1728 from Colonel William Byrd the Great Dismal Swamp |
#9250, aired 2025-01-17 | SWAMPY AMERICA $1600: The bald type of this tree populates a swamp named for it in Florida a cypress |
#9250, aired 2025-01-17 | SWAMPY AMERICA $2000: You can retrace the passage of this "Swamp Fox" on the swampy Palmetto Trail in the South Carolina national forest named for him (Francis) Marion |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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