Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (38 results returned)

#9189, aired 2024-10-24SUCCESSION $200: In 2011 it was Jerry Brown who said I'll be back for a second run as governor, as this man left Sacramento Schwarzenegger
#9189, aired 2024-10-24SUCCESSION $400: Tiberius said no to naming a month for himself as had been done for this emperor he succeeded Augustus
#9189, aired 2024-10-24SUCCESSION $600: On the Supreme Court, RBG was replaced by ACB, her Amy Coney Barrett
#9189, aired 2024-10-24SUCCESSION $800: Peter III abdicated in 1762 but 8 days later, got murdered anyway; now it was her time to rule Catherine the Great
#9189, aired 2024-10-24SUCCESSION $1000: On a presidential list, after him came Georges Pompidou & circumstance in 1969 de Gaulle
#8888, aired 2023-06-07THE PRESIDENTIAL LINE OF SUCCESSION, TODAY $800: This Californian is No. 2 in line Kevin McCarthy
#8888, aired 2023-06-07THE PRESIDENTIAL LINE OF SUCCESSION, TODAY $1200: Al Haig once said, "I am in control here in the White House" but like this man, Haig was batting fourth Antony Blinken
#8888, aired 2023-06-07THE PRESIDENTIAL LINE OF SUCCESSION, TODAY $1600: He's Attorney General No. 86 & presidential line successor No. 7 Merrick Garland
#8888, aired 2023-06-07THE PRESIDENTIAL LINE OF SUCCESSION, TODAY $2000: You can bank on giving a high 5 to this ex-Fed chair Janet Yellen
#8598, aired 2022-03-16SUCCESSION $200: 1959: Après President René Coty De Gaulle
#8598, aired 2022-03-16SUCCESSION $400: 1837: Following King William IV's 7-year reign Victoria
#8598, aired 2022-03-16SUCCESSION $800: 1971: Ugandan President Milton Obote unexpectedly becomes ex-Ugandan president Milton Obote Idi Amin
#8598, aired 2022-03-16SUCCESSION $1,000 (Daily Double): 1969: The original Triple H, Hubert H. Humphrey, is wrestled out of the veep office Spiro Agnew
#8598, aired 2022-03-16SUCCESSION $1000: 1926: After the passing of Yoshihito Hirohito
#7922, aired 2019-02-05SUCCESSION $400: In 1896 the perhaps less skilled Alfred Austin succeeded Tennyson in this literary post poet laureate
#7922, aired 2019-02-05SUCCESSION $800: He replaced the irreplaceable Steve Jobs as Apple CEO (Tim) Cook
#7922, aired 2019-02-05SUCCESSION $1200: He was next up after Anthony Kennedy sent himself to the bench from the Supreme Court bench (Brett) Kavanaugh
#7922, aired 2019-02-05SUCCESSION $1600: Whitelaw Reid succeeded Horace Greeley as editor of this New York "T"--not Times the Tribune
#7922, aired 2019-02-05SUCCESSION $2000: After Richard III quit horsing around, this man was the new king Henry VII
#7203, aired 2015-12-30WHAT A SUCCESSION! $400: A Civil War in 1532 over succession within this empire made it easy for Pizarro to seize control of it within a year the Incan Empire
#7203, aired 2015-12-30WHAT A SUCCESSION! $800: This first Roman emperor flailed about looking for a successor, adopting sons & having them die or disappoint Octavian (or Augustus)
#7203, aired 2015-12-30WHAT A SUCCESSION! $1600: The Salic law of succession included the principle that these people couldn't succeed to a throne women
#7203, aired 2015-12-30WHAT A SUCCESSION! $2,000 (Daily Double): The war of this country's succession erupted in 1701 after the death of the childless Charles II Spain
#5910, aired 2010-04-30PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION 2010 $400: This Treasury head is No. 5; after dealing with the economy, how hard could the top job be? Timothy Geithner
#5910, aired 2010-04-30PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION 2010 $800: 6th in line is this man who has served in the Cabinets of both George W. Bush & Barack Obama Robert Gates
#5910, aired 2010-04-30PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION 2010 $1200: Like her dad, she was elected to the House of Representatives; unlike her dad, she got to be No. 2 in succession Pelosi
#5910, aired 2010-04-30PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION 2010 $1600: A one-time U.S. Attorney for D.C., he's now 7th in line Eric Holder
#5910, aired 2010-04-30PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION 2010 $2000: As Homeland Security was the last to be added as a Cabinet department, this ex-Arizona Governor is No. 18 Napolitano
#5423, aired 2008-03-19BRITISH SUCCESSION $200: He was the only surviving son of Henry VII, so he became king in 1509 Henry VIII
#5423, aired 2008-03-19BRITISH SUCCESSION $400: When his reign began in 1307, he was the eldest surviving son of Edward I Edward II
#5423, aired 2008-03-19BRITISH SUCCESSION $600: The eldest son of Henry IV became king in 1413 Henry V
#5423, aired 2008-03-19BRITISH SUCCESSION $800: This third son of William I inherited the throne from his father in 1087 William II
#5423, aired 2008-03-19BRITISH SUCCESSION $1000: He succeeded his elder brother George IV in 1830 William IV
#569, aired 1987-02-12BRITISH SUCCESSION $100: Only son of George I George II
#569, aired 1987-02-12BRITISH SUCCESSION $200: 2nd son of George V, he was the current queen's father George VI
#569, aired 1987-02-12BRITISH SUCCESSION $300: Henry IV was the last 14th c. king of England; this man was 1st to become king in the 15th c. Henry V
#569, aired 1987-02-12BRITISH SUCCESSION $400: Henry VIII's father Henry VII
#569, aired 1987-02-12BRITISH SUCCESSION $500: In Scotland, he was King James VI, in England this 1st Stuart on the throne was called this James I

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#5224, aired 2007-05-03PRESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION: It's the name of the person next in the line of presidential succession after Robert Byrd Condoleezza Rice

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