Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7019, aired 2015-03-05STRONG AS AN "UX" $400: Enjoying extravagant living? You're in the lap of this luxury
#7019, aired 2015-03-05STRONG AS AN "UX" $800: Let me put it in black & white for you; an Armani Classic one goes for $1,995 at Neiman Marcus a tux
#7019, aired 2015-03-05STRONG AS AN "UX" $1200: In the mid-'80s more than a million of these talking bears were sold, many with his buddy Grubby Teddy Ruxpin
#7019, aired 2015-03-05STRONG AS AN "UX" $1600: The national motto of this European country is "We want to remain what we are" Luxembourg
#7019, aired 2015-03-05STRONG AS AN "UX" $4,000 (Daily Double): This word comes from the Latin for "side by side" juxtaposition

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