Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (40 results returned)

#8935, aired 2023-09-22STARS & STRIPES IN ART $400: In 1940 & 1941, turning his gaze from war, Joan Miró produced 23 works in a series titled these groups of stars Constellations
#8935, aired 2023-09-22STARS & STRIPES IN ART $800: Frank Stella made a splash in 1959 with paintings of this kind of stripe, better known on men's suits pinstripes
#8935, aired 2023-09-22STARS & STRIPES IN ART $1200: The town in his "Starry Night" is Saint-Rémy, where he was a patient in its mental hospital van Gogh
#8935, aired 2023-09-22STARS & STRIPES IN ART $1600: Late in life this French artist got into cutouts, like the yellow stars in his 1947 work "Icarus" Henri Matisse
#8935, aired 2023-09-22STARS & STRIPES IN ART $2000: "Self-Portrait with Striped Shirt" is by this Viennese modernist who died aged just 28 in 1918 Egon Schiele
#8552, aired 2022-01-11STRIPES $200: Trying to locate this title character in books by illustrator Martin Handford? Look for his 2-toned striped shirt & hat Waldo
#8552, aired 2022-01-11STRIPES $400: This form of pool is also known as stripes & solids 8-ball
#8552, aired 2022-01-11STRIPES $600: Now in light & lemon varieties, Red Stripe beer was first brewed in this Caribbean nation in 1928 Jamaica
#8552, aired 2022-01-11STRIPES $800: He composed "The Stars & Stripes Forever", now the official march of the United States Sousa
#8552, aired 2022-01-11STRIPES $1000: This dark pigment gives a zebra its black stripes melanin
#7821, aired 2018-09-17STRIPES ON THE FLAG $400: The Gambia's flag has stripes of red, green & this color that represents the Gambia River blue
#7821, aired 2018-09-17STRIPES ON THE FLAG $1200: It's 3 times the fun--the flags of these 3 Baltic states all have 3 stripes Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia
#7821, aired 2018-09-17STRIPES ON THE FLAG $1600: Used since 1790, France's tricolor may stand for the colors of Paris & this royal house house of Bourbon
#7821, aired 2018-09-17STRIPES ON THE FLAG $2000: Head toward central Asia & the far end of the alphabet to get to this former Soviet republic & now independent nation Uzbekistan
#7821, aired 2018-09-17STRIPES ON THE FLAG $3,200 (Daily Double): Stripes were added for Vermont & Kentucky, so the star-spangled banner that flew over Fort McHenry had this many 15
#5606, aired 2009-01-12STARS & STRIPES $400: Number of red stripes on the modern U.S. flag 7
#5606, aired 2009-01-12STARS & STRIPES $800: Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse is a red one of these really, really, really big stars a red supergiant
#5606, aired 2009-01-12STARS & STRIPES $1200: A hospital volunteer a candy striper
#5606, aired 2009-01-12STARS & STRIPES $1600: Vertical stripes being slimming to the human form is one of these, from the Latin for "to mock" an illusion
#5606, aired 2009-01-12STARS & STRIPES $2000: Sirius is the Alpha dog in this constellation Canis Major
#5385, aired 2008-01-25THE WHITE STRIPES $200: The Grevy's type of this creature has narrow close-set stripes & frequents Kenya & Somalia the zebra
#5385, aired 2008-01-25THE WHITE STRIPES $600: On Tajikistan's flag, the white stripe is symbolic of this plant used in fabrics cotton
#5385, aired 2008-01-25THE WHITE STRIPES $800: The white stripes on this are likely a symbol of the bandages used in bloodletting many years ago a barber's pole
#5385, aired 2008-01-25THE WHITE STRIPES $1000: This daughter of a crooner didn't do something stupid when she sang the theme to "You Only Live Twice" Nancy Sinatra
#5385, aired 2008-01-25THE WHITE STRIPES $2,000 (Daily Double): One legend about this holiday treat says that it's shaped like a "J" for "Jesus" & the white stands for his virgin birth a candy cane
#4855, aired 2005-10-21OTHER STARS & STRIPES $400: The stripes are for the 11 signers of its declaration of independence; the star means it's a Western-style African state Liberia
#4855, aired 2005-10-21OTHER STARS & STRIPES $800: The stripes are the Union Jack; the stars form the Southern Cross New Zealand
#4855, aired 2005-10-21OTHER STARS & STRIPES $1200: The red stripes & star still symbolize its commitment to communism; the blue is peace; the white is purity North Korea
#4855, aired 2005-10-21OTHER STARS & STRIPES $1600: The star is a guide; the blue is sky; the red is the blood of patriots; the white is the Andean snow Chile
#4855, aired 2005-10-21OTHER STARS & STRIPES $2000: The tricolor was adopted when it was part of Gran Colombia; the stars are its seven original provinces Venezuela
#3416, aired 1999-06-14STRIPES $100: It's the Central American stripe-kneed variety of this hairy species seen here a tarantula
#3416, aired 1999-06-14STRIPES $200: There are striped-tailed as well as ruby-throated varieties of this species seen here a hummingbird
#3416, aired 1999-06-14STRIPES $300: Hey, steer clear of the fellow seen here who's known down south by this "feline" nickname a polecat
#3416, aired 1999-06-14STRIPES $400: The striped species seen here is believed to have originated on this continent Asia
#3416, aired 1999-06-14STRIPES $500: The striped menu favorite seen here derives this name from the sound it makes when taken out of the water a grunt
#2285, aired 1994-07-08AND STRIPES $100: Balls in a popular form of this game are divided into solids & stripes billiards (pool)
#2285, aired 1994-07-08AND STRIPES $200: This large, black- striped feline carnivore is a good swimmer & can climb trees a tiger
#2285, aired 1994-07-08AND STRIPES $300: Number of stripes on the flag of Bulgaria, Ethiopia or France 3
#2285, aired 1994-07-08AND STRIPES $400: The red & white stripes on this establishment's pole represent blood & bandages a barbershop
#2285, aired 1994-07-08AND STRIPES $500: Nickname for a teenage volunteer at a hospital a candy striper

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