Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7298, aired 2016-05-11STOPPED BREATHING IN THE 1800s $200: Philip, eldest son of this Federalist, died in a duel in 1801; sadly, dad would not learn from history Alexander Hamilton
#7298, aired 2016-05-11STOPPED BREATHING IN THE 1800s $400: This painter who was for the North American birds drew his last breath on Jan. 27, 1851 Audubon
#7298, aired 2016-05-11STOPPED BREATHING IN THE 1800s $800: After giving up the ship on Jan. 4, 1877, this "Commodore" left over $100 mil., the most in U.S. history at the time (Cornelius) Vanderbilt
#7298, aired 2016-05-11STOPPED BREATHING IN THE 1800s $1000: No debate--in 1860 he was second in the popular vote for president; a year later, his ballot got punched Stephen Douglas
#7298, aired 2016-05-11STOPPED BREATHING IN THE 1800s $2,400 (Daily Double): Broken by the death of his wife, he was das kaput, all on March 14, 1883 Karl Marx

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