Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7733, aired 2018-04-04STOLEN ART RECOVERED $400: In 2012 more than 1,200 artworks looted by the Nazis were discovered in an apartment in this capital of Bavaria Munich
#7733, aired 2018-04-04STOLEN ART RECOVERED $800: In 2006, three years after a theft, a Vienna museum got back its famous Benvenuto Cellini saliera, this item a salt cellar
#7733, aired 2018-04-04STOLEN ART RECOVERED $1200: The Munch Museum in this city had both "The Scream" & "Madonna" stolen in 2004 but recovered 2 years later Oslo
#7733, aired 2018-04-04STOLEN ART RECOVERED $1600: He's giving one of the most famous kisses ever in a $100 million-plus Caravaggio, recovered in 2010 Judas
#7733, aired 2018-04-04STOLEN ART RECOVERED $2000: Stolen in 1985, a work by this Dutch-born abstract expressionist was found in 2017 in a New Mexico home Willem de Kooning

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