Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (65 results returned)

#8405, aired 2021-05-21STEPHEN KING TITLE REFERENCES $200: A makeshift graveyard in the woods near Ludlow, Maine pet sematary
#8405, aired 2021-05-21STEPHEN KING TITLE REFERENCES $400: The Cambers' Saint Bernard Cujo
#8405, aired 2021-05-21STEPHEN KING TITLE REFERENCES $600: A 1958 Plymouth Fury Christine
#8405, aired 2021-05-21STEPHEN KING TITLE REFERENCES $800: A small area of Johnny Smith's brain that has been damaged the dead zone
#8405, aired 2021-05-21STEPHEN KING TITLE REFERENCES $1000: The name of a shop in Castle Rock where you find the object of your dreams Needful Things
#7585, aired 2017-07-28STEPHEN KING'S BAD FOLKS $200: A fan named Annie Wilkes breaks a writer's illusions of safety in this novel Misery
#7585, aired 2017-07-28STEPHEN KING'S BAD FOLKS $400: There's "no play" for this character who comes under the influence of evil at the Overlook Hotel in "The Shining" Jack Torrance
#7585, aired 2017-07-28STEPHEN KING'S BAD FOLKS $600: Her mother is the domineering & ultra-religious Margaret White; don't wait up! Carrie
#7585, aired 2017-07-28STEPHEN KING'S BAD FOLKS $800: An encounter with an amoral politician makes a psychic contemplate murder in this work The Dead Zone
#7585, aired 2017-07-28STEPHEN KING'S BAD FOLKS $1000: It could only be this ageless creepy clown in "It" Pennywise
#7242, aired 2016-02-231-WORD STEPHEN KING BOOK TITLES $200: Ultra-religious mother + tormenting classmates = memorable senior prom Carrie
#7242, aired 2016-02-231-WORD STEPHEN KING BOOK TITLES $600: A rabid bat turns man's best friend into man's worst nightmare Cujo
#7242, aired 2016-02-231-WORD STEPHEN KING BOOK TITLES $800: The government tries to locate & control a pyrokinetic child Firestarter
#7242, aired 2016-02-231-WORD STEPHEN KING BOOK TITLES $1,000 (Daily Double): The full fury of a haunted 1958 Fury Christine
#7242, aired 2016-02-231-WORD STEPHEN KING BOOK TITLES $1000: A shapeshifting, murderous clown returns to kill children It
#6786, aired 2014-03-03STEPHEN KING $200: The inspiration for this novel came when King's daughter's cat was killed by a passing truck Pet Sematary
#6786, aired 2014-03-03STEPHEN KING $400: Like "The Shining", "Misery" deals with a writer stuck in this U.S. state during winter Colorado
#6786, aired 2014-03-03STEPHEN KING $600: "The Wizard and Glass" is one entry in this series The Dark Tower
#6786, aired 2014-03-03STEPHEN KING $800: It's the full name of the town visited by vampires in "'Salem's Lot" Jerusalem's Lot
#6786, aired 2014-03-03STEPHEN KING $1000: These spirits of dead miners who try to warn the living of cave-ins may have inspired King's 1987 novel of the same name the Tommyknockers
#6557, aired 2013-03-05STEPHEN KING $200: Many of Stephen King's stories & novels are set in this state, his birthplace Maine
#6557, aired 2013-03-05STEPHEN KING $400: Beware of dog, specifically the St. Bernard gone berserk in this bestseller Cujo
#6557, aired 2013-03-05STEPHEN KING $600: This nickname for death row at Cold Mountain penitentiary is also the title of a serial novel by King The Green Mile
#6557, aired 2013-03-05STEPHEN KING $800: Be careful if you mess with teen misfit Carrie White, who has this ability to move things with her mind telekinesis
#6557, aired 2013-03-05STEPHEN KING $1,000 (Daily Double): Arnie Cunningham owns the jealous & deadly Christine, a Plymouth of this appropriate model a Fury
#6172, aired 2011-06-14STEPHEN KING NOVEL PLOTS $400: Young Charlie McGee inherits pyrokinetic powers from her parents & the feds want to recapture all of them Firestarter
#6172, aired 2011-06-14STEPHEN KING NOVEL PLOTS $800: Flu virus kills most people on Earth; survivors follow either Mother Abagail or the "Dark Man" The Stand
#6172, aired 2011-06-14STEPHEN KING NOVEL PLOTS $1200: Ben Mears finds his hometown infested with vampires, decides to fight back Salem's Lot
#6172, aired 2011-06-14STEPHEN KING NOVEL PLOTS $1600: Coma victim wakes up, shakes hands with a politician he forsees will start nuclear armageddon The Dead Zone
#6172, aired 2011-06-14STEPHEN KING NOVEL PLOTS $2000: Losers Club reunites to rid Derry, Maine of its sewer-dwelling, child-killing monster once & for all It
#5663, aired 2009-04-01STEPHEN, KING OF WRITING $200: Like young Danny, the hotel chef is sensitive to supernatural forces in this 1977 novel The Shining
#5663, aired 2009-04-01STEPHEN, KING OF WRITING $400: Cold Mountain Penitentiary's "colorful" name of the corridor from the cells to the execution room the green mile
#5663, aired 2009-04-01STEPHEN, KING OF WRITING $600: Arnie's 1958 Plymouth Fury goes by this feminine name Christine
#5663, aired 2009-04-01STEPHEN, KING OF WRITING $800: Unlike the film, King's novella was titled this actress "and Shawshank Redemption"; I can see her poster now... Rita Hayworth
#5663, aired 2009-04-01STEPHEN, KING OF WRITING $1000: You'd be plenty wise not to mess with Pennywise the Clown in "Stephen King's" this It
#4880, aired 2005-11-25STEPHEN KING BOOKS $200: Jack Torrance becomes the winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel in this book The Shining
#4880, aired 2005-11-25STEPHEN KING BOOKS $400: 1974 tale subtitled "A Novel of a Girl with a Frightening Power" Carrie
#4880, aired 2005-11-25STEPHEN KING BOOKS $600: Novel that says, "That's one hell of a big dog, son. Are you sure he's safe?" Cujo
#4880, aired 2005-11-25STEPHEN KING BOOKS $1,000 (Daily Double): Chapter 1 of this novel says, "This here is the best car I ever owned" Christine
#4880, aired 2005-11-25STEPHEN KING BOOKS $1000: A vampire takes over the title hamlet in this, King's second novel Salem's Lot
#4103, aired 2002-06-05STEPHEN KING $400: The title character in this 1981 classic is a rabid Saint Bernard Cujo
#4103, aired 2002-06-05STEPHEN KING $800: In a 2002 TV miniseries horrifying secrets are revealed in a haunted mansion known by this colorful name Rose Red
#4103, aired 2002-06-05STEPHEN KING $1200: Anthony Hopkins is a mysterious boarder who befriends a young boy in this 2001 film adapted from a King book Hearts in Atlantis
#4103, aired 2002-06-05STEPHEN KING $1600: "Coffey's Hands" was the third installment of this novel that was published in serial form in 1996 The Green Mile
#4103, aired 2002-06-05STEPHEN KING $2000: "Needful Things" was King's last story set in this fictional town, also the name of an entertainment company Castle Rock, Maine
#3533, aired 2000-01-05STEPHEN KING $100: For a time King lived in Colorado, where he wrote this novel set at a creepy Colorado hotel "The Shining"
#3533, aired 2000-01-05STEPHEN KING $200: Hell hath no fury like this title character, a 1958 Plymouth Fury "Christine"
#3533, aired 2000-01-05STEPHEN KING $300: The tagline for this movie read: "Paul Sheldon used to write for a living. Now he's writing to stay alive" "Misery"
#3533, aired 2000-01-05STEPHEN KING $400: King's story "The Body" was the basis for this 1986 film Stand By Me
#3533, aired 2000-01-05STEPHEN KING $500: Judging by its title, this 1994 novel kept readers up all night "Insomnia"
#3235, aired 1998-10-02STEPHEN KING $100: No petting allowed! A rabid bat turns a lovable mutt into a monster in this King shaggy dog tale Cujo
#3235, aired 1998-10-02STEPHEN KING $200: This book, King's first published novel, hit the big screen starring Sissy Spacek in 1976 Carrie
#3235, aired 1998-10-02STEPHEN KING $300: King published the stories "Rage", "The Long Walk" & "The Running Man" under this pseudonym Richard Bachman
#3235, aired 1998-10-02STEPHEN KING $400: King's 1981 overview of the horror genre shares its name with this Saint-Saens "Dance" Macabre
#3235, aired 1998-10-02STEPHEN KING $500 (Daily Double): (Hi, I'm Stephen King, master of horror.) In the 1980s I stated, "I've seen the future of horror, and its name is" this author" Clive Barker
#2309, aired 1994-09-22STEPHEN KING FILMS $100: Kathy Bates is James Caan's No. 1 fan in this 1990 suspense tale Misery
#2309, aired 1994-09-22STEPHEN KING FILMS $200: Among the actors playing teenagers in this 1976 King classic were Amy Irving & Sissy Spacek Carrie
#2309, aired 1994-09-22STEPHEN KING FILMS $300: In 1983 a St. Bernard starred in "Cujo" & a Plymouth starred in this film Christine
#2309, aired 1994-09-22STEPHEN KING FILMS $400: Drew Barrymore kept the home fires burning in this 1984 epic Firestarter
#2309, aired 1994-09-22STEPHEN KING FILMS $500: Richard Dreyfuss narrated this 1986 film based on King's novella "The Body" Stand By Me
#1491, aired 1991-02-11STEPHEN KING $200: The town of Jerusalem's Lot, plagued by vampires, is better known as this title territory 'Salem's Lot
#1491, aired 1991-02-11STEPHEN KING $400: The deadly dog in a 1981 Stephen King title Cujo
#1491, aired 1991-02-11STEPHEN KING $600: The monster "It" was disguised as Pennywise, one of these a clown
#1491, aired 1991-02-11STEPHEN KING $800: The King classic that takes place at the haunted Overlook Hotel in the mountains of Colorado The Shining
#1491, aired 1991-02-11STEPHEN KING $1000: The kind of mystical power that allowed his first heroine, Carrie, to move things telekinesis

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