Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7565, aired 2017-06-30 | STAY WOKE $200: A familiar brand of "alertness aid" isn't called NoSnuz but this NoDoz |
#7565, aired 2017-06-30 | STAY WOKE $400: This musical "nap" the Bee Gees might like is taking a snooze to get ready to play hard later that night at a certain venue a disco nap |
#7565, aired 2017-06-30 | STAY WOKE $600: This substance many use to stay awake can lead to tremors & anxiety at 500 mg/day; the average American consumes 300 caffeine |
#7565, aired 2017-06-30 | STAY WOKE $800: The worst part of spending 63 hours inside a 6-ton hunk of ice for this performer in 2000? "The sleep deprivation" David Blaine |
#7565, aired 2017-06-30 | STAY WOKE $1000: Blue light from electronics stops the pineal gland from releasing this sleep-inducing hormone, so you stay awake melatonin |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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