Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#6494, aired 2012-12-06 | STAY AWAY FROM MEAT $200: AKA soybean curd, it can be frozen up to 3 months--but that will change its texture, making it slightly chewier tofu |
#6494, aired 2012-12-06 | STAY AWAY FROM MEAT $400: This 5-letter term coined in 1944 is the beginning & end of "vegetarian" vegan |
#6494, aired 2012-12-06 | STAY AWAY FROM MEAT $600: Not "Yesterday" but in 2009, this musician & longtime vegetarian launched a "meat free Monday" campaign Paul McCartney |
#6494, aired 2012-12-06 | STAY AWAY FROM MEAT $800: Kashi makes this type of crunchy grain-fruit-honey-nut breakfast cereal & bars of it, too granola |
#6494, aired 2012-12-06 | STAY AWAY FROM MEAT $1000: The Food Network says kosher salt is optional for a 1 lb. serving of this, Japanese for green soybeans edamame |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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