Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (20 results returned)

#8357, aired 2021-03-16STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $400: This stationery word is from Old French for "wrap up" envelope
#8357, aired 2021-03-16STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $800: In court this can be exculpatory (good for the defense) or inculpatory (good for the prosecution) evidence
#8357, aired 2021-03-16STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $1200: Putting black schmutz on this part of a telescope or binoculars is a classic practical joke the eyehole (eyepiece)
#8357, aired 2021-03-16STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $1600: You won't see this event if you're standing on the Moon, but you can if you're orbiting it, like the Apollo 8 astronauts did Earthrise
#8357, aired 2021-03-16STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $2000: Color-changing member of the weasel family an ermine
#8239, aired 2020-09-17STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $400: This word borrowed from the French can mean "access" as well as "main course" entrée
#8239, aired 2020-09-17STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $800: It often means a lavish country residence, but in Britain can also mean a housing development an estate
#8239, aired 2020-09-17STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $1200: Synonym for a posse--a rapper's or an actor's, not a sheriff's an entourage
#8239, aired 2020-09-17STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $1600: This word for a perfect example doesn't rhyme with "home" epitome
#8239, aired 2020-09-17STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $2000: This 9-letter word is a less common synonym for "former" erstwhile
#7400, aired 2016-11-11STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $200: It means to free a slave from bondage emancipate
#7400, aired 2016-11-11STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $400: 5-letter word meaning to make very happy elate
#7400, aired 2016-11-11STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $800: When the moonlight doesn't hit your eye like a big pizza pie, that's this scientific phenomenon an eclipse
#7400, aired 2016-11-11STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $1,000 (Daily Double): If you're 18 you're part of this body of persons entitled to vote the electorate
#7400, aired 2016-11-11STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $1000: The art of using language with fluency & aptness eloquence
#1133, aired 1989-07-05STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $100: A city in Oregon, or the first names of playwrights O'Neill & Ionesco Eugene
#1133, aired 1989-07-05STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $200: A word meaning huge & clumsy, tho the animal whose name it comes from is fairly graceful for its size elephantine
#1133, aired 1989-07-05STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $300: It used to mean an "escape"; now it's a reckless adventure or wild prank an escapade
#1133, aired 1989-07-05STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $400: Brand of outboard motor named for the man who invented the 1st commercially successful one Evinrude
#1133, aired 1989-07-05STARTS & ENDS WITH "E" $500: Stand made with open shelves for displaying knickknacks an étagère

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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