Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#667, aired 1987-06-30 | START AT THE "TOP" $100: While George & Marion also haunted the novels, Neil the dog was introduced for this TV series Topper |
#667, aired 1987-06-30 | START AT THE "TOP" $200: In 1964, Rudi Gernreich startled the country with this the topless bathing suit |
#667, aired 1987-06-30 | START AT THE "TOP" $300: 1973 #1 hit for the Carpenters that begins "Such a feeling's coming over me" Top of the World |
#667, aired 1987-06-30 | START AT THE "TOP" $400: From the part of dresser containing one's valuables, it now means those of highest rank or merit top drawer |
#667, aired 1987-06-30 | START AT THE "TOP" $500: Describes Johnny Carson's "contemporary" monologue at the top of his show topical |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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