Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8183, aired 2020-03-18STAGEY DIALOGUE $200: I see you are prepared to take over--"waiting in" these side areas, so to speak the wings
#8183, aired 2020-03-18STAGEY DIALOGUE $400: Sitting quietly at the party until she comes up with one of her perfectly timed quips, she's a real this-stealer a scene-stealer
#8183, aired 2020-03-18STAGEY DIALOGUE $600: I fear that is all the time we have; now to "bring down" or "ring down" this piece of equipment curtains
#8183, aired 2020-03-18STAGEY DIALOGUE $800: It was the perfect moment to tell our friends the news, but you missed your this, the signal to speak up cue
#8183, aired 2020-03-18STAGEY DIALOGUE $1000: Your presentation was a real one of these, a song that gets such long applause that it halts the action a showstopper

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