Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#5159, aired 2007-02-01SPOT THE POOCH $200: The choo choo, the chi chi, the chow chow the chow chow
#5159, aired 2007-02-01SPOT THE POOCH $400: The akoto, the akita, the akeenu the akita
#5159, aired 2007-02-01SPOT THE POOCH $600: The bilchon fazu, the bichon frise, the bilshoi ballu the bichon frise
#5159, aired 2007-02-01SPOT THE POOCH $800: Swedish plains dog, Portuguese water dog, Chinese desert dog Portuguese water dog
#5159, aired 2007-02-01SPOT THE POOCH $1000: The schipperke, the schippoutie, the schipponski the schipperke
#4831, aired 2005-09-19SPOT THE POOCH $200: The saluki, the Sanhedrin, the Salmineo the saluki
#4831, aired 2005-09-19SPOT THE POOCH $400: The Ridgeway, the Ridgeback, the Ridgebone the Ridgeback
#4831, aired 2005-09-19SPOT THE POOCH $600: The Dandie Dinmont, the Dandie Dinkum, the Dandie Doodahday the Dandie Dinmont
#4831, aired 2005-09-19SPOT THE POOCH $800: Ekkenpinscher, Hauzzenpinscher, Affenpinscher, Didhepinscher Affenpinscher
#4831, aired 2005-09-19SPOT THE POOCH $1000: Redfoot Coonhound, Greenhead Coonhound, Bluetick Coonhound Bluetick Coonhound
#4510, aired 2004-03-26SPOT THE POOCH $200: The margay, the mastiff, the moa mastiff
#4510, aired 2004-03-26SPOT THE POOCH $400: The Savannah, the serval, the shar-pei the shar-pei
#4510, aired 2004-03-26SPOT THE POOCH $600: The burmilla, the balbinus, the bichon frise the bichon frise
#4510, aired 2004-03-26SPOT THE POOCH $800: The cymric, the cockapoo, the caballado the cockapoo
#4510, aired 2004-03-26SPOT THE POOCH $1000: The kelpie, the krait, the kabaddi the kelpie

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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