Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8347, aired 2021-03-02SPORTS TROPHIES & AWARDS $200: World Boxing Council champs get these, handmade of Italian leather belts
#8347, aired 2021-03-02SPORTS TROPHIES & AWARDS $400: MLB's Rookie of the Year awards are named for this groundbreaker who won the award in 1947 Jackie Robinson
#8347, aired 2021-03-02SPORTS TROPHIES & AWARDS $600: South African Gary Player was the first non-American to receive this association's lifetime achievement award the PGA
#8347, aired 2021-03-02SPORTS TROPHIES & AWARDS $800: College football rivalries can have their own trophies; the Ireland Trophy goes to the winner of Boston College vs. this school Notre Dame
#8347, aired 2021-03-02SPORTS TROPHIES & AWARDS $1000: The NHL's Vezina Trophy goes to the league's top player at this position goalie

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