Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9248, aired 2025-01-15SPITTIN' SCIENCE FACTS $200: Tephra is a collective term for the pyroclastic material ejected into the air during this event a volcanic eruption
#9248, aired 2025-01-15SPITTIN' SCIENCE FACTS $400: This 2-named "colorful" insect differs from other wasps in having wings that fold longitudinally at rest a yellowjacket
#9248, aired 2025-01-15SPITTIN' SCIENCE FACTS $600: Symbiotically speaking, it's the 9-letter word for when both organisms get to thrive mutualism
#9248, aired 2025-01-15SPITTIN' SCIENCE FACTS $800: This largest moon of Jupiter is the only known moon in the solar system to have its own magnetic field Ganymede
#9248, aired 2025-01-15SPITTIN' SCIENCE FACTS $1000: Hermann Muller named these regions of DNA sequences that cap chromosomes from the Greek "telos", meaning "end" telomeres

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